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TExES Exam Study Tips That Bring Excellent Results

Posted on 23 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general

Are you preparing for the TExES exam? Well, then this must be quite a nerve-wracking time for you. Not to worry though; I'm here to help you out with some simple, straightforward tips that will give you an edge over other TExES test takers.

Before you tackle the preparation for the TExES, it is first necessary to understand what the exam is about. The TExES test basically measures your understanding of two competencies: knowledge of skillful practice and basic understanding of the tested subject. It is encouraged to dedicate more time to mastering the Math, Science and English subject areas. Key areas like administrative work and guidance counseling should also be given more attention.

Preparations for the TExES should start early so that you don't have to cram and stress yourself up. Have a study plan and be sure to equip yourself with TExES study guides and other test preparation guides to facilitate the study process. Have study groups with other exam candidates, read through the TExES exam study forums online, and discuss whatever you want regarding the TExES exam on these forums. Through these ways you can be sure that your TExES test prep is heading the right way.

Study Tips

- First of all, I cannot stress enough on how important it is that you study regularly. No matter how many notes and study materials that you have, you won't do well if you don't study. By reading through your TExES study guides regularly and thoroughly, the knowledge will be imprinted into your memory. Not only that, you will also build your confidence in answering questions this way. However, you should remember not to over-study unless you wish to be overwhelmed and break under the pressure.

- Be sure to test yourself periodically. Set aside time to do TExES exam practice tests and answer the practice questions in your study guide so that you can judge the level of your knowledge and improve accordingly.

- When studying for your TExES exam, choose a place which is quiet so you can study without any interruption. Otherwise, you won't be able to concentrate and this will only stress you out more. Invest a small amount of your time in looking for a suitable spot for you to study.

- Mental and emotional support is always valuable. Moral support and encouragement from your mentors and loved ones can lift your spirits and give you the boost you need to continue preparing yourself for the TExES exam. So don't be antisocial just to study, and make a little time for the people around you.

- As your exam is nearing, remember to take care of your body and mind. Studies have shown that enough rest and proper eating habits can increase mental productivity and keep the body functioning optimally.

- On the day of your exam, relax and concentrate when answering the questions. Read the given instructions properly and analyze your answers thoroughly. When you have a doubt, eliminate the less probable answers and choose the most accurate one.

If you follow these simple tips, I am confident that you will pass the TExES exam. Use your TexES study guides maximally, study smart and believe in your abilities. All the best!

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Study Abroad - Why Choose to Study at a UK University?

Posted on 21 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general

Can a quarter-million of the world's brightest students be wrong? That's one estimate of the number of foreign students who forsake the comforts of home and brave the UK's food and, for many, forbidding weather to get the postgraduate education they consider the key to a bright future in their homelands.

The British Council puts the total number of overseas students currently studying in Britain - at all academic levels - at nearly one million, with two-fifths of post-graduate students hailing from other countries. The British government's increasing recognition of the value of this phenomenon to the British economy overall is likely to increase its efforts to attract these students away from competing institutions in other countries and to address the complex student-visa laws that most overseas students cite as the greatest - and often the only - disincentive to seeking graduate degrees in the UK.

Studying in the UK, rather than at comparable universities and colleges in other countries, clearly remains the first choice of the largest segment of the overseas student population.

The principle reason can be summed up in the single word the 23-year-old Uzbekistanian Tulkin Sultanov gave the BBC as his reason for pursuing advanced studies in the UK: "reputation." Worldwide, UK universities are renowned for their high academic standards, cutting-edge educational facilities (particularly in the sciences, engineering and the arts), and broad range of offerings combined with the flexibility to accommodate individual student needs.

Like many other students who eventually go to the UK itself, Sultanov was educated in a British school in his homeland. As a result, he said, he knew both that British teaching was high-quality, that the professors at British universities had international reputations as leaders in their fields - and, crucially, that alumni of British universities enjoyed a level of professional success on return to their homeland that made them the envy of their generation.

UK universities and colleges are continuously evaluated by professional bodies to ensure that their teaching and research standards and their facilities are at the highest standards. The result has been the more important rating by the rest of the world, which at this point assumes that any British post-graduate education is top rank. Because standards are now known to be high at all levels, an unrivaled prestige attaches to a master's or doctoral degree earned at a British university.

Of the half-million Chinese students studying abroad annually, some 50,000 have chose the UK as their academic destination of choice, together spending an estimated GBP550m a year on their UK educations. Twenty-two-year-old Lin Disheng, a Chinese student featured in another BBC story, followed his BS degree from Nottingham University (where he earned first-class honors in e-commerce and digital business) with a master's degree programme at Oxford. Citing China's rapid industrialisation and economic growth, he told the BBC, "Chinese young people like me want to make a contribution to this rapid process. That's why I want to study In the UK - to learn better western technologies and experience the western culture and do the best I can."

It goes without saying that the students who are accepted into British universities are the top students of their home countries' top universities. Still, for most, what amplifies the education they received at home can be summed up in the three words independence, creativity and self-reliance. These are not only qualities they pick up at the personal level - although the mere process of adapting to, and then succeeding in, a culture often significantly unlike their own gives them a level of self-confidence they might well not even need in their homelands.

More to the point, a UK graduate education teaches foreign students a kind of independent thinking, creativity with ideas (most conspicuous in artistic disciplines but as evident in disciplines such as business and politics - "thinking outside the box" - and even science. Most foreign student have come from academic environments that have emphasized rote learning and, with the best of intentions, the dutiful regurgitation to their professors of the teachers' own ideas. Only in an environment that both fosters and teachers ways of independent thinking do students learn how to generate their own ideas, propose and test original solutions to problems, and trust their own creative impulses.

British universities also offer well-recognised value for money. Undergraduate degree programmes, for example, are typically spread over three rather than four years, and most master's degree programmes are designed to be completed in one year. This makes them highly cost-effective when compared to the longer time it takes to complete comparable courses of study in other countries, particularly in the US. Also, scholarships and other forms of financial aid make it possible to for many foreign students to enter institutions they would not be able to attend on their own or their families' resources. Personal support in gaining access to such assistance, overseen by highly trained university administration staffs, helps many foreign students navigate that thicket of qualifications that sometimes discourage them from pursuing this vital source of financial help.

Furthermore, access to government-funded health care contributes greatly to the financial advantages of studying in the UK. Students in any full-time course in Scotland and in full-time courses lasting at least six months in England, Wales or Northern Ireland are entitled to free medical treatment from the British National Health Service.

Another advantage of study in the UK is that some students can, if they must or wish, work while they are pursuing their degrees. Because they are from outside the EU, students who are registered is a course of study longer than six months can work as much as 20 hours a week during term time and full-time during holidays. Students who need to supplement their finances to live as well as study abroad will be happy to know that part-time work is easy to find. Others may find working part-time a valuable way of learning more about the local culture outside the confines of academe.

The UK also offers a unique variety of graduate academic settings. In addition to the universities and colleges ensconced within Britain's bustling, dynamic cities - which include far more places than London, though the capital is unrivaled for its academic, cultural, and other offerings - students can choose to study on purpose-built countryside campuses, often in areas of singular natural beauty as well. While some foreign students understandably want the programmes as well as the prestige of Britain's famous, time-honored seats of higher education, others prefer the more modern, state-of-the-art universities that have sprung up throughout the country, sometimes with specific academic specialisations, sometimes offering a full range of post-graduate programmes.

Indeed, exposure to the larger culture is, though often overlooked during considerations of where to study abroad, one of the strongest reasons for choosing the UK as a place to pursue an advanced degree. Exploring the country beyond the university campus is sure to strengthen English skills and, more to the point, it does not require learning yet another language beyond the international language of English that has become the worldwide academic norm.

In addition to the native, local, and popular cultures, Britain offers some of the richest examples of Western culture to be found anywhere in Europe - and not just in London. Although London plays second fiddle to no other city in Europe in terms of its cultural offerings of all kinds, there are also significant cultural centres and events in other UK cities, such as Birmingham, which has one of the world's greatest symphony orchestras, and Edinburgh, a city with an extraordinarily rich year-around cultural life and a summer festival of all the arts that is one of the world's most renowned. British museums also are considered among the world's finest.

For the more adventuresome, the rest of Europe is literally at the doorstep of people living in the UK. There are affordable ways to travel to the other countries of Europe - particularly for students - with resulting close, easy access to a broad array of other Western cultures, people, and traditions.

But even students who find study so demanding that it keeps them close to home and allows them little time for travel will be grateful to be "confined" to a country as famously beautiful as the UK. The British countryside, villages, and beaches are famous worldwide for their surpassing beauty. Travel within the country is inexpensive and fast, allowing most visiting students ample opportunities to explore the UK's riches beyond its university walls.

Whatever your motives for choosing to study in the UK - and whatever you do to enhance your academic experience while there - you can be sure of one thing. When you return home, everyone will be impressed that you earned your degree in a country known throughout the world for the high quality of its educational offerings. And, with a British degree in your pocket (and brain), you'll be in a prime position to compete for your country's best jobs - and find the most satisfying way to take part in a globalised world you have yourself encountered.

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Using Case Studies to Promote Your Business Successes - Advice From a Pro Copywriter

Posted on 20 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general

One case study shows you've delighted a customer; several case studies prove you've done it over and over. It's a fact, well-written business case studies reassure and excite prospective customers and help to differentiate you in a competitive marketplace.

Case studies: don't let them stay at the bottom of your to-do list

Don't let writing business case studies stay at the foot of your to-do list. With the help of an experienced copywriter you can get those case studies written and working on your website or in other marketing materials.

Successful business case studies take the following into account:

- They showcase tangible benefits that prospects can relate to
- They don't just 'tell': case studies let your client show how you delivered benefits (use examples and powerful quotes)
- Effective case studies include plenty of well-written, benefit-laden content
- 500-1000 words is a good length for case studies
- Write for your media: brochure and website copy are not the same
- Effective case studies should be believable - openness about overcoming minor problems adds credibility
- Name names wherever possible (but always get your customer's permission)
- Timing is everything - whether you're celebrating a long- or short-term relationship, capture the moment.
- Naturally, always get your client's approval before copy goes live.

The strongest business case studies focus on benefits and let your client's delight promote the benefits your business has delivered for them.

Show how problems were overcome

Wherever possible, it's useful to feature a balance of successes and 'problems' overcome. Brands are strengthened when businesses successfully overcome real world challenges; your case studies should reflect this, with carefully chosen examples of how minor glitches were overcome to the satisfaction of your customer.

Feature case studies for a range of clients: small, medium and large. Repetition reinforces: one case-study is good but several are better... And of course, they're a great way to keep your website content fresh; the search engines like that.

Above all, don't let case studies stay at the bottom of your to-do list. When you are faced with a busy Inbox and so many competing demands on your time, it's easy to keep pushing vital case studies to the bottom of your list. Don't let this go on. For maximum effectiveness, and maximum client co-operation, it's best to capture the case study as soon as possible. That's where you may find professional copywriting help useful.

Business case studies: do you have the time, skills and expertise to write your own?

Have you got the skills and resources to write your own business case studies? For many busy business people, their skills and experience lie elsewhere. Though they recognise the importance of powerful written communications, their key abilities often lie with finance, business strategy, operations management or other disciplines.

That's when it pays to hire professional copywriting help. An experienced copywriter will bring specific case study writing skills, breadth of experience and objectivity. Above all, you'll be harnessing their passion for copywriting and their ability to concentrate on getting the business case studies you need.

Meanwhile, your precious time is freed to concentrate on doing what you do best: running a factory; bringing in more business or planning a killer marketing strategy. And in turn, these will probably lead to more case studies.

Hiring a freelance case study copywriter often makes perfect business sense

You outsource accountancy or IT expertise. For the same reasons, it makes perfect sense to hire a freelance copywriter to help with your business case studies.

How have you delighted clients recently? Don't waste the opportunity. Capture your successes in powerful business case studies today.

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Making the Grade - Study Tips For Artisan Temperaments

Posted on 19 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general

Artisans have mixed feelings about schooling. Spontaneous, creative types, they seek excitement and fun, and get bored easily if classes are too constraining. There are 4 types of Artisan personalities; Promoter, Crafter, Performer and Composer. Here are a few study tips for each Artisan type, to help you maximize study time when preparing for midterm exams.

Kirk, an Artisan Promoter, loved the freedom he experienced when he went away to school, but his first semester grades were a shock to both him and his family. He asked for advice on improving study habits to work smarter rather than harder. Here are tips for the Artisan Promoter: When possible, Promoters should study with friends; they learn and retain more if they talk the ideas out. Keep it interesting; have a competition to see who can correctly answer the questions first, or try using persuasive skills to make a sales pitch out of the material. Convince a Promoter that he should care about this material, and he is much more likely to retain it.

Donna, an Artisan Crafter, wants to go into medicine. She thought she'd like to be a surgeon, but memorizing chemistry formulas seemed to be her nemesis. Study tips: When studying for a test or quiz, Donna can improve her score by using her whole body to learn difficult material. One Crafter associated the steps in a formula with martial arts moves; familiarity with the form helped him make the formula real. It's best to 'over-study'-Crafters tend to think they have mastered more material than they really have. Even another ten minutes of studying can be the difference between understanding the basic outline and really getting the information ingrained firmly in your mind.

Maylene, an Artisan Performer, is studying music. Quite successful, she still needed help with classes required for graduation. Performers should study with friends; they learn more by talking the ideas out, or have others quiz them on the material. A good study time technique is to alternate giving answers out loud and writing them down, because Performers need to become fluent in both methods. If they are learning new material, it can be useful to act it out. The more they can get action in their bodies and words in their mouths to connect with the material, the faster and better they will learn it. A good tactic for the Performer is to act first, write second; once she understands the material, it is helpful to write down the part she knows best. This tactic improves writing ability and ensures greater success on essay questions.

Artisan Composer Charleston wants a career in graphic arts, but math was his Achilles heel. He got help from his school's tutoring center; he also got tips on different ways to study. Composers need to have both social and private study time. Composer study tips: When studying by themselves, they usually choose a place where they can enjoy the environment, often outdoors. Since Composers retain knowledge when it is connected to action, a good tactic can be to study while taking a walk or shooting some hoops. That way, when taking the test, they are able to remember what they were seeing, hearing, and/or doing while they studied each concept or fact. If a Composer listens to music while studying, he will remember facts by associating them with particular lyrics or parts of the music. Charleston will benefit from having social time to study. Being able to talk about what he has learned will help him to remember the material at test time.

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Learn the Exotic from the Exotic: Summer Study Abroad Programs

Posted on 17 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general

Summer study abroad programs can range from learning about physiological ecology in the Galapagos Islands to learning Spanish in Peru. With all the programs available it can be hard choosing just one, but some things will almost always remain the same no matter which summer study abroad program you choose.

Choosing a Summer Study Abroad Program to Apply for

While most scholastic institutes offer a variety of summer study abroad programs, bear in mind that you can usually apply for a program outside of the school you might currently be attending and still have the option of financial aide covering you. Even if you are not attending any schools, a summer study abroad program is within your reach. Local colleges and universities usually have listings of any study abroad programs they have available and if the requirements for signing up for that program are not listed then you could always check with one of the attending counselors for further information.

Passports, Visas, and Medical Releases - Oh My! Passport rules have changed recently, at least for American citizens. As of January 23, 2007 the long expected new passport rules take effect today. US citizens traveling to Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean will need to show valid passports in order to re-enter the country. So when you are busy planning a summer study abroad program, remember to secure one more thing: Your Passport! These new passport rules are required to secure the borders of the United States against terrorist acts. Recent statistics show that just about one quarter of Americans hold valid passports. This is because until now most US citizens could travel to Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean without passports. Showing just a driver's license or a birth certificate was sufficient. But with these new passport regulations all that changes, effective January 23, 2007.

So if you are planning to spend a summer studying in any one of those countries, take steps to get your passport now. While a passport isn't usually too hard to get, it can still take a fair amount of time so you should be applying for that before or around the same time as you're applying for the summer study abroad program of your choice. A travel visa should usually be applied for around the same time as you are applying for the study abroad program for the simple fact that they can take quite some time to be processed properly and returned to you in good standing.

Before you head off on your trip you should also be sure to check if you need any medical release forms stating a clean bill of health and/or up to date vaccinations. For instance, if traveling to tropical South America you might be required to get a Yellow Fever vaccination before being allowed to travel. But don't let the paperwork scare you away from a summer study abroad program. The opportunities available during such a program are virtually limitless and can provide a wealth of wonderful memories.


A majority of summer study abroad programs will have accommodations already planned out for you, but it's usually wise to make sure beforehand so you know where you'll be staying during the course of your program. If lodging is not provided and you will need to make your own arrangements for a place to stay, the internet can be a great help in locating an affordable hotel room or short term apartment. Language barriers can make for a slightly sticky situation when trying to set up lodging arrangements from a distance, but it's not usually too difficult to get around them long enough to have a place available for when you get there so that you can make some more stable plans.

A lesser known choice in summer study abroad programs includes the option to learn while on an ocean voyage that stops at various countries. Such a program can be available to anyone, student or not, and help make clear your own culture by showing you the varying cultures of other locations. So no matter what your taste is, specific language to general world interdependence awareness, or your age, there's bound to be a summer study abroad program for you.

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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)