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What is the Best Study Bible?

Posted on 16 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general

So you want a study bible but you doing research and can not see to find the right one you have been looking for. Well I have been in the same boat. For the last five years or so I have been diligently studying the Word but in the process I have gone from book to book in order to find that right one to help me with exactly what I need.

So you want to know how to study the bible? You may or may not have been to the first page and picked up the Study Bible as seen on the home page but you might want to learn the methods and the tools on how to study the bible for yourself. Well look no further as we are going to go over simple ways and some little tools that will help us on our adventure on how to study the bible!

One of the best bibles I ever came across was a Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible, it had so many chains and references I thought I would have an endless study! This book is particularly great for word studies. If you need to hit spots where specific words or even names came up this full featured Word of God really got it going for me. This bible came with the tools necessary for me to do precise word studies. Word studies are a key component to effective study and one of my favorite methods.

Now recently I was looking for a bible that would not just chain reference me through study but that the actual studies themselves would be linked for me which is ideal when sharing with others. Recently I came across a fantastic one, that provides excellent study aides that are not just limited to the parables of Jesus or prophecies of Jesus but deepens your knowledge with a chain reference study system of bible studies. Now a great tool to use while you are using your new study bible is a bible marking kit or even a marking pencil that will allow you to underline and highlight specific texts and words to get your brain moving in the direction to best learn yet also not ruin your bible's quality with tools that will bleed through the pages and make a mess of things.

The overall importance of study to me is to how I can be able to follow the three methods of study which are observation, interpretation, and application. Being able to apply these methods with the tools mentioned here is an almost absolute necessity. The reason I say this is because a good observation or survey of the bible is going to cause a good sounds interpretation which in turn will allow for a solid application. Using a method like this will allow for less contradictive ideas and a greater understanding of God's Word.

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Study Group - Should You Join One?

Posted on 14 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general


In school you will hear about forming a study group. Your instructor may advocate forming a study group or one of your peers may ask you to join. The question is are study groups to your personal advantage? Your study time is a limited resource and is a study group a good use of that resource. This article will explore the pros and cons of a study group.

The advantages of joining a study group.

A study group can help keep you accountable. Many people are better at doing what they need to be doing if other people are counting on them. With a study group you know that two or three other people expect you to show up at a certain time and to be prepared.

A study group will help you test your own knowledge. Different students tend to pick up different things in lecture and in their readings. During study group a fellow student may say or ask you about a topic that you may never have considered focusing on. This may make the difference on a key question on the test.

Explaining to others is a great way to learn. As you explain the material to other students you yourself will get a better understanding of it. This process will also expose missing knowledge that you have on the topic. As you explain the topic other members may start explaining parts to you as time progresses.

A study group can create a sense of camaraderie. It may become just more fun to study. Instead of simply rereading the same notes over and over again you are quizzing each other and interacting. This will make your study session more fun and time pass more quickly.

The group can be of help when you are in need. The Study group can help you out if you need to miss a lecture as well as with an assignment you do not understand.

The disadvantageous of a study group.

The study group is just a gossip session. If the group is not focusing on classwork and just talks about current events or the latest fashion it will not help you exam scores. Whenever people gather there will be some small talk. The problem arises when the small talk expands to the detriment of the the study time. You need to be on guard for this as a whole afternoon can be wasted.

A member of the study group is unethical. It is perfectly OK - depending on the instructors guidelines - to help each other with homework or at the least explain the assignment to a fellow student. The problem arises when a fellow scholar wants to copy your work. You can feel a lot of pressure to comply.

The study group starts late and is out of your way. If you drive to a faraway location to meet and half the group is an hour late this can be a waste of your time. Not only is it disrespectful, but it accomplishes little in the way of preparing for the exam.

Members of the study group are not prepared. It is one thing to help discuss the reading and to ask and answer questions about it, but it is a completely different issue to answer questions for someone who did not do the reading. If all members are not prepared the study group will not function well.

You learn better on your own. For some students this is true. They are focused and get an 'A' by locking them selves in their study area and plugging away. Some students say this even though though they are failing because they do not like the idea of a study group. If you have a 4.0 by doing it on your own keep up the good work.

To decide to form or to join a study group is entirely up to you based on your needs and preferences. It is important that you join the right group and analyze if it is a productive use of your time. Not every group of students studying is the same. You may need to bounce around till you find the study group that is right for you.

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Have You Ever Thought About How to Improve Study Skills? Probably Not - But You Should

Posted on 13 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general

Unfortunately, school does not teach us all we need to know about how to succeed in school. We go to school and try to do the best we can. We learn to study on our own. There is no class "How To Improve Study Skills101." But maybe there should be.

Like everything else in life study skills have to be learned. No one is born knowing how to study. But with just a few guidelines almost anyone can learn to study effectively. But you have to want to improve your study skills for it to happen. The most obvious reason would be to get better grades or maybe if you are happy with your grades you just want to study more efficiently to free up time to do other things.

What ever your motivation, you can learn to improve your study habits just like learning any subject in school. Your desire to do better will go a long way. You may want to form a study group with like-minded students. Working in a group has helped many to improve their study skills.

Or maybe you perform better on your own. In this case you need to start with a place to study. Most likely this will be your room. Create a clutter-free area to study. Make room for your computer and other study materials and remember to keep your study station organized. You may not know this but clutter can create stress.

Designate a time to study. This may not be the same time every day but you should allot enough time to complete all of your work for that day. Don't wait until too late to study as trying to retain what you study when you are tired becomes more and more difficult the sleepier you get.

If you keep trying to improve your study skills you are most likely to succeed in school. And when it comes time to use your education in the job market you will be that much further ahead of the person who didn't learn how to improve study skills. You see, having a job uses many of the study skills you learned to use in school.

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Working While Studying Abroad

Posted on 12 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general


The most common problem faces with study abroad in UK involves the issue of meeting living and education expenses. Generally the education expense gets taken care of with help from study abroad consultants who can help acquire UK scholarships, study loans, fees waivers or discounts and sponsorships. But the problem of meeting daily expenses has to be dealt with through family financial support which can be a big strain for all. Most students thus opt for some sort of part time work to meet some of their financial requirements.

There are opportunities for abroad studying students to work in the UK during their studies. Special rules make it possible for them to work while studying. The opportunities available include part-time or vacation work, as well as course-related work placements.

Students can find out about part-time jobs that are available by consulting notice boards around their institution, looking in local newspapers and job centers, and visiting the college or university careers office. Many institutions have their own 'job shop', which display part-time and holiday vacancies and may issue job vacancy bulletins.

Piece of Advice to students - Please think carefully about how much time will be available for part time job during studies. Success on course should be priority. Your studies may be intensive and demanding and you should be realistic about the amount of time this will leave for part-time work. Many students find that working part-time helps improve their communication skills, but you must be careful not to let work interfere with your studies.

From 3rd March 2020, students studying below degree level or on a foundation degree course can work up to ten hours per week during term time and full-time during the holidays.

Degree level students and above can work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during vacations.

After completion of the course

Students studying in the UK Universities are entitled to visa extension of 2 yrs after completion of their course under Post Study Work Visa Scheme (PSW)

Post-Study Worker (Tier 1)

The category of post-study worker (Tier 1) was introduced in the new points based system and allows the UK to retain the most able international graduates who have studied here and provides a bridge from being a student to becoming a skilled or highly skilled worker.

Abroad studying students who have completed an undergraduate or postgraduate degree course from recognized UK colleges may apply as a post-study worker within 12 months of obtaining their qualification.

During their stay here, post-study workers can look for work without needing to have a sponsor. The visa is valid for up to two years and it is expected that students will switch into another tier of the points based system as soon as they can.


To apply under the points based system and be accepted into the post-study worker category, students must pass a points-based assessment and score:

75 points for attributes which include - UK qualification, study at a UK institution, immigration status during UK study and/or research, and the date of award of the qualification

10 points for English language

10 points for available maintenance (funds).

Applicants must demonstrate that they can maintain themselves and their dependants, as they will not have access to state benefits.

As under Tier 1 (post-study worker), once registered in Tier 1 (General) the graduate is free to move around the labor market and employers need only check their documentation to employ them.

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Experience the World With a Study Abroad Program

Posted on 10 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: general


During the school year many lucky students will get the opportunity to study abroad in Asia. It's a wonderful and fun experience but don't underestimate the potential educational benefits of doing so. In my opinion there isn't really a downside to studying abroad, only huge upsides. With study abroad Asia, you get to learn a new language, gain a better understanding of world politics, and personally experience the lives of different cultures.

A china study abroad program in one of their universities makes you as a student competitive, independent and responsible. Living in such an exotic environment gaining so much new international exposure creates an all around individual who is adaptive to different cultures. You can easily survive the pressures of a competitive world after graduation.

Now that I've possibly talked you into enrolling in a study abroad Hong Kong program, you better decide where about you would like to go and what you want to learn. While most of the popular destinations are in Europe, study abroad Asia programs are growing in popularity. Start there if you are looking to learn more about the world by experiencing a study abroad in Asia program.

Study abroad Asia offers many of the same benefits as traveling to Europe if not more. The best part is that it's actually less expensive to do so in Asia. As most students live on a tight budget, study abroad China allows students to worry about learning instead of worrying how to pay for everyday items and food. It's the perfect destination for student who is interested in learning about ancient history and art. The Chine study abroad program choice is a no-brainer, and will give you everything you could ever imagine.

Study abroad Hong Kong programs are perfect for any student, no matter what part of the world they may be from. It lets them to experience a different country while spending little to no money. Most schools cover many of the travel expenses and college courses under your tuition fees. The student is only responsible to pay a for travel expenses to the country you choose in the study abroad Asia program. However, you probably will have to spend some money for your room and board.

This China study abroad program is also available to any student. Studying abroad with an international study abroad Asia program provides a well-rounded chance to better you. Immerse yourself in a land and culture that is very different from your own. It is an excellent choice for students planning to study abroad.

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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)