Posted on 16 Sep 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

If you're planning on attending an elite business school or have already graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in management and are looking to obtain your Masters in Business Administration (MBA), you will probably want to familiarize yourself with the material prior to the beginning of class. No one wants to be the only student in class that has no idea what the professor/everyone else is talking about.
Fortunately, there are quite a few books that can help prepare you for what to expect in business school, and some of them may even teach you a thing or two you won't learn in a classroom.
After doing some research, and speaking with friends and colleagues who got their MBAs without any prior business backgrounds, many of whom said they wished they had better prepared, I decided to compile a list for you all of the top 20 books to read to prepare for the traditional business school curriculum. These books will introduce you to a core set of business concepts you will encounter both in the classroom and in real life. Moreover, they will be great reference materials throughout your studies (note however that none of the books on this list are actual textbooks and should not be used in replacement of your textbook but rather used as supplemental study aides).
Of course, reading each and every one of these books will take quite a bit of time and energy, so you may choose to read only the books which cover the ideas and concepts you find most interesting and/or relevant, or that you feel you know the least about. If you remain motivated and committed however, reading each book on the list is doable in a summer, and will certainly benefit you the most. Happy reading!
1. The Knack by Norm Brodsky & Bo Burlingham. (Business creation)
2. Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. (Value creation and testing)
3. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries & Jack Trout. (Marketing)
4. The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy. (Sales)
5. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu Goldrat. (Value Delivery)
6. Accounting Made Simple by Mike Piper. (Finance & Accounting)
7. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. (Pyschology and the human mind)
8. The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz. (Productivity and Effectiveness)
9. The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch. (Problem Solving)
10. Self-Directed Behavior by David L. Watson & Roland G. Tharp. (Behavioral Change)
11. Ethics for the Real World by Ronald Howard & Clinton Korver. (Decision Making)
12. The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert Bly. (Communication)
13. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. (Influence)
14. Bargaining For Advantage by G. Richard Shell. (Note: The importance of advanced negotiation training is overlooked by too many business student.)
15. 12: The Elements of Great Managing by Rodd Wagner & James Harter. (Management)
16. The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan by George Bradt et al. (Leadership)
17. Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows. (Systems)
18. The Economist Numbers Guide by Richard Stuteley. (Analysis)
19. Thinking Statistically by Uri Bram. (Statistics)
20. Purpose: The Starting Point of Great Companies by Nikos Mourkogiannis. (Business Strategy)
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Posted on 09 Sep 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Writing a term paper is easy, but writing a good term paper may be hard, especially for those who have no idea on how to begin and where to start in making a term paper to get a good grade. You need to make sure that you have quality papers if you want to finish college. Especially if you want to become a successful clinical manager. To make sure that you complete your degree in clinical management, here are 5 steps to follow to make a good term paper.
1. Make sure that you have selected a good topic for your term paper. In choosing the topic, you have to make sure that it should be creative in order to attract the attention of your readers. As much as possible, choose the most appealing ones or the topics that you are most knowledgeable with so it won’t be hard for you in creating the contents. The most effective way in write my paper longer is to choose the topic that has a wide coverage. Having a topic that has various branches and smaller topics would be effective in making your term paper more researchable. Once you have chosen your topic, decide on which angle you are going to attack it with. However you do it, you have to make sure that the insights and contents of your term paper should be original.
2. Take time to study and do your extensive research. If you are to create an original content, you have to make sure that you have studied the topic very well, as well as the subtopics that it may touch. Understand the history of the topic as well as the issues that the topic has been facing these days. Take into consideration everything that you may find useful for your term paper. If possible, take note of everything that is important to discuss in your term paper. However, despite the fact that you have already some ideas regarding your topic, never attempt to include it in your term paper, unless you have a good resource to quote it from. When doing your extensive research, you would need to include primary and secondary sources to have the full basis regarding your topic.
3. Polish the thesis statement that you will use. Once you are done with your research, decide on the essential ideas and the strong topics of your term paper. You have to remember that the thesis statement will serve as the backbone of your term paper, which will make everything else fall behind it. Make the statement that is appealing for your readers as for yourself as well, so you will not have a hard time defending it.
4. Create a draft and make an outline of your term paper. Outlining your term paper is an important step so you will not have a hard time in making and remaking your paper again and again if ever there are some lacking points. The outline should have the following steps: introduction, analysis, questions and your final statement.
5. Once you are done with your term paper, read and reread it over and over again as to make sure that there is nothing left behind. Make sure that everything is complete and set in place before handing it out.
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Posted on 04 Sep 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

There is no doubt that education is really important for our lives and to buy essay is really related to the quality of the education that we can earn. Perhaps, the statement above might not be quite logical for you. How can the effort to purchase the essay determine the quality of your educational background? If you want to find out how such thing works, you can take a look at the illustration mentioned as follow. Well, you must have known that the educational background will play role in determining how you can get the great job or not. Going to school to become a nurse, health care administrator or even a doctor is important. Having a great job will surely give you financial freedom. Such great job is the one that will surely be able to give you nice income.
However, to make sure that you can get such great educational background is not that easy. If you think that you only need to make sure that you can get the education as high as possible such as to enter the college or university, you should also realize that there will be some things that you need to deal with in order to make you graduate from such educational background. custom essay is one of the examples of the things that you need to do. If you have become the college or university student, there will be so many tasks that you need to deal with. It is true that essay might sound familiar for you. You might have done such writing assignment over and over. However, you should notice that you have entered the high educational level. It means that the level of the essay will also be higher. Tons of students find it hard to make sure that they can finish the essay and guarantee that the quality is good enough. As the result, it can be harder for them to graduate from the education that they are taking.
How can they expect to have great life by getting nice job if to graduate from the university level education is really troublesome to achieve? That is why you should buy essay or use essay writing like what has been stated earlier. Now, at this point, you should have known the relation about how purchasing the essay can help you get nice quality of educational background. Therefore, whenever you face troublesome custom essay, you should not have any worry at all. You have found the best way to make sure that everything can be really simple for you. That way you can expect to have better life quality by using your educational background.
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Posted on 12 Jul 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized
Wouldn't you agree that you should only study what is required for you to do well in your exam? Why should you spend days upon days studying for exams when if you knew how to effectively study, you would have more time for other things.
I used to cringe when it came to studying for exams before I graduated with a degree in project management. I remember thinking to myself that I had to study for hours and days going over material and always asking myself; am I doing enough or am I concentrating on the right material. I really did have a negative mindset going into every exam, expecting that I would do badly because at the end of the day I really didn't know how to effectively study.
I remember talking with and observing some of the students in my classes who weren't necessarily the smartest naturally, but always seemed to study small amounts, finish their exams early and gets great results. What I found out from decided to spend time with the people to see what they did, dramatically changed the way I study for exams.
Understand the key things that these study gurus do and you will start to understand how to effectively study and get great results in the process. Study gurus incorporate the following things:
1) They may not attend every lecture, but when it comes time to prepare for the exam they get as much information regarding past exams, possible exam questions and subtle tips from teachers or lecturers so they go into exams as if they know what to expect.
2) With the obtaining of this critical exam information, they then know exactly what to focus on. Why should you be spending hours and days on material that won't be covered in the exam. To study effectively you should be studying what will be in the exam, not what's not!
3) Study alone, but ask questions when you are unsure of something. I found that study gurus don't study in groups or coordinate meetings with friends to go over material. Don't waste time, get the information you need and revise it over and over again. Why spend more time than is necessary studying for exams, it should be minimal and direct.
So let's recap what you should do to learn how to effectively study. Be clear on what is likely to be in the exam, focus on this information and don't waste time on material that you know won't be covered in the exam and study alone and direct your mind to the essential information and repeat as much as necessary.
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Posted on 03 Jul 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized
1. Choose a study location that is quiet, free of distractions, and comfortable- As entertaining as it is to watch American Idol or overhear your sibling's latest school stories, it's not going to help you ace your next exam. You want to be sure you're in a quiet, well-lit place where you're sitting up (preferably at a desk or table) so that you can focus on the material. The only thing that should be on your mind is finishing your degree in criminology. Eliminate IM, TV, radio, and music.
2. Create and save your study guides and class notes- Studying success is an ongoing process and starts with preparation. You should create study aids and review your notes for each quiz and test. Keep them in a folder so that when you have the bigger tests, you will save valuable time that you can use for studying. (More to come on making study guides)
3. Separate your study time into "power blocks" and take quick breaks- The best way to use your time is to study for 30-45 minutes in a "power block" set where you only focus on the work at hand. Then, take a 5 minute break to reward and refresh yourself. Grab a snack, check your phone, look up the score of the game. It's up to you. Just keep it short, then jump back into the studying.
4. Study when you're rested and alert- Are you a morning rooster, a day eagles, or a night owl? If you hit the snooze button multiple times before waking, chances are studying in the morning would be a challenge. If you're dozing off after eating mom's pasta dinner, night time might not be the best option. Figure out when you have the most energy and study then. Obviously, if you're schedule doesn't allow much wiggle room, study when you are free. As a general rule of thumb, morning roosters: study 30 minutes before school, day eagles: study during lunch and free periods, night owls: study after dinner.
5. Don't wait until the last minute!- If you know you have an upcoming quiz/test in a few days, prioritize your tasks so that you'll spend some time each day preparing and going over the material. A gradual review of the information is much more effective than a last minute cram session. As Ben Franklin once said, "You may delay, but time will not."
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