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5 Effective Study Tips for Exams

Posted on 01 Jun 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Almost every student these days are having trouble studying for their exams. Not only because of the loads of topics that they have to understand and memorize but also because of the pressure that they have to attain good grades so that their parents won't get mad at them. There are also students who consider studying as a stressful thing to do that's why they end up skipping school or cutting classes.

Students as well as parents should know that studying is fun and enjoyable if they do it in certain ways that will make the memorizing and understanding tasks of the students easy. There are proper manners and ways of studying that students should do to ace their exams. If you are looking for study tips for exams, then you just came to the right page.

Here are the top 10 study tips for exams for every student:

1. Study in a room that's conducive for learning. Ask yourself of your preferences during studying. Do you prefer to listen to music or not? Do you want to sit on your table or in a couch? It is best if your remove any form of distractions in your room so as to enable you to concentrate on your notes like televisions, game gadgets, your little brothers and sisters, etc. Men prefer dim lights when studying but women like it brighter.

2. It is advisable that you rewrite what you are reading or understanding. As much as possible if you are trying to memorize a step by step process or method, a definition, or anything, write it again on a piece of paper instead of speaking it out loud. Studies have shown that writing down all the things that you have learned makes it easier for you to remember them during exams.

3. Another way of motivating yourself to study is to equip yourself with your favourite school supplies every time you go to school. By the time that you are going to reread your notes or books, you will be provoked by all the colourful and lively doodles that you have on them.

4. Do not force yourself to study when you're really tired or sleepy since everything that you will try to read will just fly out of nowhere the moment you are in front of your exam papers already. Giving yourself 1 - 2 hours of sleep and rest before studying is already good to wear off the tired feeling before you study again. Do try to study ahead of time if you can, like 2 -3 days before exams even for just 2 - 3 hours per day. This way you will prevent yourself from cramming on exam days.

5. Manage the subjects that you are studying for. Try to study the subjects that you find hard first, then proceed with the easy ones. Making time for the hard subjects will give you more time to understand the topics that you are having a hard time with.

These are the 5 study tips that we find very effective for students of all ages. It is important that parents should train and teach their sons and daughters to have a good study habit while they're young. This way, they children won't have a hard time coping up in school by the time they reach their teenage or college years.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)