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A Survey of Several Effective Bible Study Methods

Posted on 17 Jun 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

If you want to understand and grasp the true and deeper meaning of the Bible, then you can try several proven Bible study methods.

Catechists, preachers, and Bible study group leaders normally employ several methods of studying and teaching the Good Book. The most popular methods are the inductive and interpretative methods.

The Inductive and Interpretative Methods of Study

By using inductive Bible study methods, you have to carefully read each chapter in a book and extract its meaning from the individual verses. You can use several guide questions if you are going to employ this method.

The interpretative method of studying the Bible involves verse by verse analysis. This is a more exhaustive Bible study method. You must use this method only if you have a separate study reference explaining the meaning of important verses of the Bible.

The above methods of studying the Bible are very useful if you want to personally understand the meaning and the significance of the written text of the Bible. You can employ these methods in order to know how to apply the words in the book to real life situations.

Scholastic Bible Study Methods

Another way to study the Bible is to approach the Good Book by understanding its context. This type of study will be very useful in order to have a deeper grasp of the historical background of each book of the Bible.

When you attempt to use the scholastic method of Bible study, you should have other historical resources at hand. You can use the wealth of information you can find on the Internet as your reference to understand the historical context of the book.

By doing a scholastic study, you have to carefully select the version of the book. It is important to use a universally approved version in order to get a more accurate historical description of Biblical events.

The Topical Bible Study Methods

There are different types of topical Bible study methods. One example of a topical study is to determine a general topic in a certain book and find out the answers on its chapters and verses.

However, if you want to study the Bible in a more meaningful manner, you have to employ the generalized-topical method of study. This involves getting numerous general topics and finding answers to them from the entire content of the book.

For example, a general topic would be a question on 'who is God?' There are chapters and verses in the Bible discussing this topic. There are also specific passages the can accurately provide answers to this question.

You must use a study guide reference in order to successful study the Bible using the topical method. You can get such study reference materials from your local church, from online religious sites, or from a Christian bookstore.

There are numerous methods you can use. Make sure that when you study the Bible, always bear in mind that what you can learn from it should be applied in real life situations.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)