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College Students Study Abroad - Gain More Than Just A Degree

Posted on 03 Nov 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

The opportunities for study abroad and the subjects to be studied are diverse, and yet each has something distinctively unique. One student may be in Brazil, following the trail of the evolution of "Clube da Esquina", a South American musical movement. Another may be in the Republic of Benin in sub-Sahara Africa, exploring how practitioners of Vodun (voodoo) interact with tourists.

What is allowing many of these students to study in other countries are scholarship programs offered by private institutions, corporations, colleges and individuals. One such program students should definitely take notice of is the US government-sponsored international educational exchange program, the Fulbright Scholarship. It offers academic year scholarships that generally cover round-trip travel, living expenses, health and accident coverage and full or partial tuition. Each year, some 1,700 American citizens receive scholarships and grants in all fields of study and for use in more than 150 countries. Student study abroad scholarships are based in part on academic achievements and leadership potential, and students design their own study or research program.

The Fulbright program is designed to encourage cross-cultural interaction and mutual understanding. In addition to enhancing cultural knowledge, study away participation was found by a University System of Georgia study to improve academic performance and increase graduation rates. Students interested in spending an academic year abroad can also apply for federal government-sponsored Boren Awards for International Study, Through the Boren program, students receive $20,000 to spend an academic year studying foreign languages in areas critical to United States interests. Boren Awards are based in part on academic record and potential to succeed, as well as commitment to government service, preferred countries and languages and fields of study. Preference is given to locales such as Chile, Cote d'Ivoire, Burma, Sierra Leone, Malaysia, Egypt, Afghan, Uzbekistan and more.

Colleges, universities and technical schools also offer opportunities overseas for academic credit and dissertation research. The University of Florida offers some 30 Study Abroad programs of its own as well as partnerships with other institution. More than 2,200 University of Florida students this past year studied abroad, according to the institution, and students have until Oct. 15 to register for spring opportunities. Some of the opportunities that allow students to become "Global Gators" include business studies in Rome, Paris and Madrid, travel studies in Antarctica, Fiji, New Zealand and Sydney, dance studies in Israel and law and ecology studies in Costa Rica.

At Abilene Christian University, participants with the College of Business Administration's Global Apprentice program worked with Apple iPads in and outside of the institution's Oxford, England, campus soon after the iPad debuted there. The assignment: Evaluating iPads as part of an AC Nielsen project that included research plan, product concept presentations and response gathering. Management Information Systems students participating in the Study Abroad program chronicled their experiences on an "iPads in Oxford" Facebook fan page as part of a social media assignment.

Dr. Brad Crisp is an assistant professor of Information Systems at Abilene Christian University. "Being able to evaluate new technologies is a critical skill in business," he said. "Using new devices as part of a study abroad experience creates even more opportunities for us to explore, discuss and evaluate what these devices can do."

Programs fostering study outside of one's country have become more popular over the years, with participation between 1995-1996 and 1999-2000 increasing by 45 percent, according to the Association of International Educators. Many colleges and universities offer scholarships for these programs. Scholarships might also available through the Institute of International Education, the Alliance for Global Education and the Whitaker, Actuarial, Alicia Patterson and Zonta International foundations.

In an increasingly global society particularly, students participating in Study Abroad programs might find great value in the opportunity to experience other cultures and enhance their world views. Students in summer Study Abroad programs, and those away for more than a summer session, can come to see the world from a different perspective. They might also find that they're more confident in themselves and more self-reliant as a result of their travels which, in turn, can be reflected in the college and university work they produce.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)