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Creating the Right Study Environment

Posted on 10 Jan 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

This college tip refers to environment you use when studying. It is often said that a college student will spend 2 to 3 hours studying outside of class for every hour spent in class and this is focused on improving the environment where you spend all of those hours to improve the both the quality and quantity of study time.

While you are studying, what is the study environment like? Is it comfortable? Is it clean? Not only will this have an impact on the quality of the studying time, but it will also have in impact on the amount of time that we spend studying. The reason that this has an impact on the amount of time is that the worse the environment, the harder it will be to start studying and the easier it will be to stop once we start.

Improving the Environment
Below are some ways to improve the environment to have a positive impact on your studying.

How clean is the study environment? A typically college student will either live in a dorm, apartment, or house and will likely have roommates. Given the lack of responsibility and authority in these living situations, it is easy for the environment to get fairly messy and trying to study in a messy environment does not create the best frame of mind. One way to improve your frame of mind is to clean up just before it is time to study.

This can do a couple of things. First, the actual act of cleaning up gets your body moving which can create more energy. Second, by seeing a room go from messy to clean can give you a feeling of accomplishment and productivity. These two things begin to set a frame of mind that is more ready for studying.

Being more organized can help improve the environment. As you clean, try to also place attention on getting more organized with furniture and school materials and equipment.

Do you have the right furniture to do hours of studying? Look for any changes in furniture used or the way it is laid out to improve the environment. Furniture should be comfortable, but not too comfortable.

Lighting is important in any room. Try to adjust or change lighting so that the environment is not only well lit, but it is also comfortable.

Many people find it challenging to study when they are in a room that is completely silent. One tip to work around this could be to play some very soft music at a fairly low volume.

The goals of this tip is to make the room more comfortable and by doing all some of these, you will be likely be making progress in that area. The more comfortable you are, the easier it will be to shift into study gear, the more you will get out of the studying that you do, and the less likely you will be to give in to the temptation to stop studying. As a whole, this college tip will improve studying, which will improve academic performance.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)