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Don't Sabotage Your Study Time

Posted on 24 May 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

1) Don't sabotage your study time. Do first things first. Hopefully, you've already decided to make the Praxis II exam a priority for the next few months, so do the things that are most important to your overall life plan - prepare for your success!

Get a Praxis II study guide and make it a priority to do the most important things first (like this career-determining test preparation) before going shopping, seeing friends or even watching a movie.

2) Spend the money and get the most current study guides available.

Unfortunately, not all Praxis 2 study guides are created equal. You want to spend the money and invest in your future - invest in yourself! Get a Praxis study guide that is up to date for the year you are taking the exam. Get a study system that will teach you informative tips and productive strategies that will position you for passing the exam. Most important of all, get a study system that provides you with a mentor.

3) Make time to have focused study.

Create 30 to 60 minutes of uninterrupted time in your schedule that you can use for study purposes. During that time, study and review Praxis II practice tests and learn valuable test-taking strategies. If you feel you need a break, then take one, but always come back to your studies and make this time a priority for your Praxis II study.

4) Know yourself.

As simple as that sounds, many people underestimate or overestimate their abilities and thus end up sabotaging their own efforts. If you're not going to do well by studying alone, then get in a study group. Conversely, if you're not going to do well in a study group, then study alone. The Praxis 2 test is so critical, you'll need to understand your limitations, but you'll also need to balance that by pushing yourself beyond those same limitations.

If you don't create your time to study, then taking that time will get squeezed out of your day and you'll end up doing less important things that don't really impact your life. Prepare yourself for the success you deserve by sticking to your studying!


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)