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Here Are 10 Effective Study Habits To Make Your Life Easier

Posted on 15 May 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Whether you're in school or not having good set of study skills is important to have. Having at least 10 effective study habits and using at least one of them consistently will put you at the top of the class each and every time.

Whether you want to improve your grades or learn something new at work having a study regiment that is effective will help in all aspects of your life.

Being smart in the use of your time when it comes to studying will propel you to better grades and more money at your job site. So let me identify 10 key points of study habits you should employ to make a better life for you.

1) Every chapter of a book should be paraphrased in your own words. This will force you to recall what you've just read. Even if it's only a couple of sentences the act of remembering and writing down what you've just read will reinforce that information.

2) You've done all that work the night before and are rushing through the morning. A simple but yet vital thing to do is to put the homework you've finished in a binder. Remember to put your hard work into that binder and don't forget to bring it to school. This sounds like an obvious action but there are people that do forget this simple but important step.

3) Communicate with the teacher. With internet access available from middle school on up email interaction with teachers is available. If you misunderstand homework assignments go ahead and shoot an email to the teacher to clarify the situation. You don't want to write up a homework piece and come up wrong when all you had to do is ask the teacher about issues you had about it.

4) Study in the same spot at home. This will form the habit that certain areas in your home is for study only. You will develop that area for studying and once there you will be able to concentrate on the homework.

5) Preparation habits. Rest and relaxation is the dominant thought here. You put in your homework time, you did the assignments and now you're ready for that chapter test. Being rested and going over the material the morning of the test will do wonders for your memory in recalling what you need to know.

6) Understand your learning style. Some people like music blaring, some people like quietness during study times. Whatever it takes to set up the environment for studying needs to be created. This will make your mind at ease and allow you to be creative to understand the material you're studying.

7) Draw pictures of notes. Most people take notes with words instead of being creative. Draw a big circle that will represent the main idea in it. Then you can draw spurs from that circle and have supporting ideas. Those spurs can be in the form of anything you want. You can draw houses, horses, cars, clouds or whatever you want. This make note taking and note reading so much more fun.

8) Fight Procrastination. Don't put off what you can do now. If you need to follow up on that one homework assignment then do it now. Get it out of the way and the momentum will carry forward towards the completion of the rest of the homework assignments.

9) Keep healthy. Making sure that you get enough exercise is important to study habits. Eating nutritious foods will also help you study better. Sure you have a lot of homework but if you're physically dragging your body to read then you won't finish and you certainly won't be able to get any type of a good grade.

10) Organize yourself. Knowing where extra sets of pencils, pens, paper, erasers will cut down the hunting time. A lot of time can be wasted just looking for basic supplies that you need. Get yourself a couple of shoe boxes and put all that you need into those boxes. That way you know that what you need is in one of those boxes.

Implementing just one of these techniques can make a difference between good grades and passing grades.

That right there should be enough incentive for you to at least see if it works for you. Once you get the study habit down with one of these techniques everything else will fall into place.

It doesn't matter how old you are and what you intend to do with these study habits. You will get better grades, earn more money and be happier with yourself once you find yourself on the road to success.

Knowing 10 effective study habits can help you go a long ways in life. The difference could be from barely passing to the top of the class if you employ some techniques that are outlined in this article. Don't waste a minute and learn some tricks that will help you jump to the head of the class.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)