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How to Choose the Best Bible Study Tools

Posted on 23 May 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

There are literally thousands of Bible study tools you can use to completely understand the true meaning of the word of God. The sheer number of these tools and resources can baffle you. That is why you have to choose wisely which Bible study tools to use in order to quickly understand the meaning of the text of the Bible.

Here are some important guidelines that could help you in choosing the right Bible study tools.

Determine Your Objectives in Studying the Bible

Before selecting different study tools, you need to determine your objectives in studying the Bible. This answers the question of why you are studying the Bible.

There are various reasons why people want to study the Bible. Some want to know the meaning of their existence and will find suitable explanations in the passages and chapters of the Bible.

Some people however are interested in finding answers and clarifications to their religious questions. While scholars study the bible to get the deeper historical meaning of Biblical events.

Whatever your purpose in studying the Bible, it is important that you recognize it. This way, you can systematically program your methods of study and select the most appropriate tools for your purpose.

General Bible Study Tools

If you want to know everything about the Bible and its religious significance on your life, then the best Bible study tools you can use are general references and general study guides.

There are many books that can explain the Bible comprehensively. All you have to do is to select a book reference that is comfortable to read. Such books will be easy to understand so learning the Bible would be easier also.

You can also use Bible study guides issued by your church. These general guides consist of several topical questions. You can find the answers to the questions on the specific chapters of the Bible which are supplied also by the guides.

Some topical study guides are also available in bookstores or in Christian book shops and church libraries.

Finding Meaning about Bible Stories

The Bible has numerous stories and parables which can be very enjoyable to read. These stories have deeper meaning to them. If you want to know and understand the messages of each Bible story, then you can read Bible story summaries with annotations.

These Bible study tools come in pamphlet or book forms. You can choose a comprehensive Bible story summary book or you can buy a per-story summary pamphlet. By studying the summaries of Bible stories, you can effectively teach it to your children and explain their meaning. You can find numerous summaries of Bible stories on Christian websites.

Using the right Bible study tools can help you to quickly understanding the meaning of the Bible. It is normal to find some texts and passages in the Bible that are very difficult to understand. In order to apply the messages of the Bible to your life, you have to understand them thoroughly. You can only achieve this by using these tools.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)