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How To Study And Pass Exams With Ease

Posted on 12 Jun 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Through out my High school and college educations, there was this one thing I observed frequently, which is, most students did not know how to study effectively, thus, how to pass exams was most students' headache. But I strongly believe that with the right study techniques, study skills, study methods as well as the right study guide, every student can easily pass exams. You can allow the college or high school to pass through you - having all the fun on campus, and still pass exams with ease.

Who says school is boring. Well!, when I hear people say school is boring and its life frivolously challenging, then such people might be lacking the right study techniques and study guides that can help them pass school exams.

The following five study techniques will answer the "how to study and pass your school exams" question with ease. These study techniques should serve as a study guide so to help you feverishly prepare for your school's exams.

These techniques include:
1. What technique
2. Why technique
3. Where technique
4. How technique
5. When technique

The What Technique
The what technique helps students to determine the core lessons being delivered in a particular subject matter. A student listening to a lecturer or reading his or her lesson note should ascertain the "what"of the subject matter or identify and pinpoint all that the lesson is about. The what technique, is all about students being able to summarize a whole lecture notes to some few sentences, putting down some keywords that can help remember the whole lesson taught, including formulas and definition of terms used. The what technique basically helps student remember and reproduce all that is required in your exams. No need to memorize much since you easily understand the resilient stuffs.

The Why Technique
Most students really do not enjoy most subjects taught in school because they don't know the need or why they should learn that subject. The why technique gives the reason or the rational of a subject taught in school. With a strong why, a student is determined to apply all study skills necessary to study and pass the exams. For example, a student taken lessons on public relations, knowing the why of the course, such as being able lead people successfully in a business setup, stays undaunted in studying subject since the reason for studying that course is lucidly made know to him. With this study tip, your how to pass exams is made easy!

The where Technique
This study technique helps students to identify exactly the place to apply whatever is taught. There are so much stuffs taught in a semester, and so your failure to identify where to apply what in exams is catastrophic. I have known an incalculable number of students who study so hard but in exams don't know where to use and apply "what". By applying the where technique in your studies, one figures out the exact place in exams to apply what has been taught. That is what exams is all about!

The How Technique
This study guide deals with the application of lessons taught in class. Here, formulas, methodologies and procedures come into play. In the how technique, the question asked is "in what way or by what methods do I apply what has been acquired". He who has something but do not know how to use what he has is not better than he who has not or do not know. Memorizing things do not help much in exams except you know how to apply them. In fact, understanding the application of a subject matter makes memorization quite easy, thereby making studying easy.

The When Technique
The when technique talks of the exact time a lesson taught is applied. That is the point where much considerations are done. For example, in simple arithmetic, the BODMAS principle (Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) tells us when to multiply, add, subtract and divide in a mathematical expression. Also, the when technique helps a student to figure out the right time to study, when to start preparation for an exams and he or she is required to know and understand a subject taught. It is sad that most student know so much and when it is required of them to deliver, they say they go "blank". How pitiful!

So have fun in school but do well to deliver what is expected of you at the right time, and most at times the right time is during exams. Hope this few study guide would greatly help in passing your exams.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)