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How to Study Effectively and Get Excellent Grades in School

Posted on 06 Dec 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Knowledge is power as the saying goes. You need to learn how to study effectively to gain knowledge, and to get high grades if you are a student in any school. To do well in life, you need to be well-read, well-informed and well-educated.

Your formal studies in school is the beginning. Learning how to study effectively while in school is not only to get high grades, but more importantly, to prepare yourself for your future role in society.

How to study effectively is not so much about studying hard but more about studying in a smart manner. It is not the number of hours you spend. Long hours of study in school does not necessarily result in academic success. You need to merge a bit of hard work and effective study methods and techniques for you to be successful. Some of the practical ways for you to improve effectiveness include the following ideas to think about:

1.Set your study plan

Your plan should include your goals and regular time schedules. At first, you need to exercise self-discipline. You have to follow your set schedules, until it becomes routine to you.

If you are a student, set your goals in terms of targeted grades. This helps a lot in providing you with the needed motivation to stick to your plans.

2. Give time for leisure and social activities

This will help you in your studies because they serve to rejuvenate your mind and enable you to perform better during study time.

3. Do not procrastinate

Procrastination is one of the main reasons that render students ineffective in their studies. Study regularly following your schedule from day one of school and see a big improvement in your grades.

4. Study in a group with your friends

Subjects you find boring is better studied jointly in a group, especially with classmates and friends.

5. Increase your actual time of study gradually

If you have not yet developed a strong study habit, start studying for brief time periods and gradually increase your allocated time per subject.

6. Find a conducive place to study

A conducive place is one that makes you feel relaxed, and help you focus your mind. Choose a convenient place that allow you to comprehend and take in what you are trying to learn.

7. Take control of your stress

Reduce stress to a manageable level by identifying the factors that cause stress on you. An excessive amount of stress can hamper your ability to memorize information.

8. Take breaks

Most people has a maximum concentration period of about 90 minutes. Taking breaks after at least every 90 minutes of studying helps a lot. It can help you memorize more facts since we are more efficient at the start and end of our studying time.

9. Stretch your muscles

When taking breaks, take some few deep breaths and exercise to get adequate oxygen in your mind. Do some walking and light stretching exercises. It helps release pressure and tension within your body and helps you to focus your mind.

10. Use Mnemonics

A mnemonic device is any learning technique that aids memory. One common mnemonic for remembering lists consists of using an easily remembered acronym. For example, you can assemble together the first letter of every word or phrase in your list to form a word (acronym) that is easy to remember. each letter in the acronym will then help you recall the words and phrases in your list.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)