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Know These Excellent Study Habit Rules to Study Well

Posted on 29 Jun 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Study Habits and Scholarship

Study implies investigation of mastery of facts, ideas or procedures which are unknown or partially known to the individual. There are many reasons for a person to desire for study. There are some rules of study with efficiency. A person who desires to study well must know these rules. The result will be more effective with the guidance of an efficient and experienced teacher. The analysis of study habits and the effects show that there are two types of learners. The slower pupils are not able to understand the work, use facts and grasp meanings as in the case of more able pupils.

Many people are able to develop efficient study habits without any special formal training. However, there are several methods of study habits for satisfactory result. One must bear in mind the following points in study habits.

17 Rules to study well

1) Have a definite purpose for study.

2) Have a definite place for study.

3) Definite plan and time schedule.

4) Favorable physical conditions.

5) Have rest with spaced study.

6) Search for the topic sentence of paragraph.

7) Use silent recitation method.

8) Use the whole method of study.

9) Try to read rapidly and carefully.

10) Take brief notes in an organized way.

11) Evaluate the difficulty of the materials.

12) Raise significant questions and try to find answer to them.

13) Study with interest to recall.

14) Study carefully charts, graphs and other illustrations.

15) Prepare a summary and revise.

16) Complete the assigned work without fail.

17) Analyze the statements of authors and get clarified when in doubt.


In spite of the cautions taken keeping in mind the above mentioned study habit rules, there is a setback for the total result due to a brain factor called 'Forgetting'. Memory is the ability to remember what has been previously learned. Forgetting is just the opposite of memory. It is the mental failure of facts and a setback in the ability of reproducing the experiences of past events. The mind becomes weak to recollect or associate facts of past experience. This is because of the person failing to bring the facts subsequently for use. This may be due to over loading the brain with facts of experience.

Learning for a long time without any break or rest, not changing the subject of learning and following the same method of learning without interest. The subject of study without interest and proper motivation result in forgetting easily and quickly. Forgetting is not always an unwanted thing. It is needed sometimes to be free from over burden of thoughts and worries. Indeed, forgetting is a gift for human beings.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)