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Learn How to Study Effectively With the Least Effort and Get Top in Class

Posted on 17 Oct 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

You don't need to clock 5 hours of study time everyday to be able to achieve good grades. It all boils down to know how to study effectively and maximizing your study time to finish studying what you want to study. As a researcher in the field of educational psychology, I know through countless surveys and experiments that people who study long hours each other won't necessary achieve academic success if they don't know how to study effectively. Of course I'm not saying you shouldn't put in effort to study, I'm just saying, combining a little hard work and study techniques will get you very far up the ranking ladder in school.

So the secret behind all high achievers in school is knowing how to study effectively. Here are a few tips:

- Take control of your stress and reduce it to a manageable level. Too much stress is detrimental to your cognitive functioning and will impair your ability to memorize information. Procrastination will eventually lead to a stressful period just before a major occasion such as an exam or project submission dateline. So staying up late to study 10 chapters the day before your exams doesn't help at all. Study consistently from day one of school and you will definitely see a huge improvement in your grades. A small amount of effort each day can lead to a huge difference at the end of your semester.
- Take small steps. If you have a huge chunk of information to read and memorize, looking at the sheer amount of pages in your textbook doesn't help your emotional response to the situation. Separate your chapter into pages of threes. Read 3 pages by 3 pages. Reward yourself with a little sweet after every 3 pages and celebrate, because you're 3 steps closer to reaching your goal. This way, you will find your studying process rewarding and more efficient.
- Take more breaks when you're studying. A person's maximum concentration span is about 90 minutes, so make sure that you take a break after at least every 90 minutes of studying. Taking more breaks helps you to memorize more information as we can study more efficiently at the start and end of our studying time.

The above are just a few tips among the many that can help you achieve academic success with the least amount of effort. Studying can be boring sometimes, but with the right techniques, you can get it over and done with fast yet get distinctions for your exams.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)