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Useful Guidelines to Study in USA Universities

Posted on 14 Jul 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Choose to study abroad is a beautiful experience. And foreign students studying in the USA universities gain far-fetched experience, which is an education in itself. Students choose to study in USA, because here they get a lot of exposure. They come in contact with various students of different races and cultures that enhance their knowledge and thinking ability. But before going for study USA program, it is important to gain some ideas about the system and processes.

Here are some guidelines that can help every foreign student to study in USA universities. We can divide the whole process in to two like pre-stage, and post-stage.


It is a dream come true for many students to study in USA, where there is Harvard University the top most university in the world. But applying to study in such universities is not an easy task. A Foreign student should plan his study USA at least a year prior to leaving. A student has to score an excellent percentage in the scholastic aptitude test (SAT) or TOEFL score. A student must be proficient in English. Most of the USA Universities anticipate students to have generally GPA 3 score in their preceding academic years. This GPA 3 score refers to 65% scoring of a student in his graduation or schooling year. A letter of recommendation along with application fees and the certificates of previous qualifications have to be sent to university as per the admission procedure.

The cost of living and tuition fee is also high in USA universities. Most of the universities take around 1500 to 35,000 dollars per year as the tution fee. So the foreign students have to show the proof of sufficient financial resources to meet all their expenses in the university. This financial bank statement also helps as a mandatory document in the student visa USA application. A student is visiting USA for a temporary stay can apply for J-1 visa. If he has a spouse or a child below the age of 21, he needs to apply for a J-2 visa. This visa allows to study even without student visa but does not permit to work. For a full time course one can apply for F-1/M-1 visa. The higher is your TOEFL score, the better to get an F-1 visa.


Now you have crossed the crucial stage of your education in USA. A degree from any USA universities will definitely give you a lot of chances to get employed. The study environment and the chance to get involved in many new and innovative research projects will enhance your career. You can easily get a high paid job across the world. You can take part in the campus selection of various leading organization inside the university. You can get scholarships for studying in USA from organizations like AIFS (American institute for foreign study), minority scholarships and from the university itself.

The teaching process of USA universities is much different than other countries' education system. They put lots of emphasis on the practical side of education that helps to build a foreign student more techno-savvy.

Benefits are unlimited while studying in USA, still you should take advice from foreign education consultants, who can take the whole process of study in USA and surely you can fulfill your dreams.

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How to Study Effectively For Exams - The 3 Things You Must Know

Posted on 12 Jul 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Wouldn't you agree that you should only study what is required for you to do well in your exam? Why should you spend days upon days studying for exams when if you knew how to effectively study, you would have more time for other things.

I used to cringe when it came to studying for exams. I remember thinking to myself that I had to study for hours and days going over material and always asking myself; am I doing enough or am I concentrating on the right material. I really did have a negative mindset going into every exam, expecting that I would do badly because at the end of the day I really didn't know how to effectively study.
I remember talking with and observing some of the students in my classes who weren't necessarily the smartest naturally, but always seemed to study small amounts, finish their exams early and gets great results. What I found out from decided to spend time with the people to see what they did, dramatically changed the way I study for exams.

Understand the key things that these study gurus do and you will start to understand how to effectively study and get great results in the process. Study gurus incorporate the following things:

1) They may not attend every lecture, but when it comes time to prepare for the exam they get as much information regarding past exams, possible exam questions and subtle tips from teachers or lecturers so they go into exams as if they know what to expect.

2) With the obtaining of this critical exam information, they then know exactly what to focus on. Why should you be spending hours and days on material that won't be covered in the exam. To study effectively you should be studying what will be in the exam, not what's not!

3) Study alone, but ask questions when you are unsure of something. I found that study gurus don't study in groups or coordinate meetings with friends to go over material. Don't waste time, get the information you need and revise it over and over again. Why spend more time than is necessary studying for exams, it should be minimal and direct.

So let's recap what you should do to learn how to effectively study. Be clear on what is likely to be in the exam, focus on this information and don't waste time on material that you know won't be covered in the exam and study alone and direct your mind to the essential information and repeat as much as necessary.

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Creating a Personal Study Area for Distance Learning

Posted on 10 Jul 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

It is necessary to have a dedicated personal study area because this provides important benefits to the study process. It is a physical and psychological necessity for anyone taking a professional development course by distance learning, online, or correspondence studies. It creates a visible, physical, and personal location where your studies are carried out, providing support facilities for your study activities. It is a place where you go to in order to do only one thing, study. Think of it as being similar to going to your workplace, where on arrival you switch into "work" mode. When you go to your study area, you switch into "study" mode.

Where should your study are be situated. This will depend on the layout and size of your home, but there are some ideal places and some very unsuitable places. Without a dedicated study area you would need to study on kitchen tables, sofas, beds, armchairs, dining tables, in rooms that are used frequently for other domestic activities. These are highly unsuitable, as they have no "professional" or "academic" or "personal development" features, and are full of distractions and barriers to effective studying. An ideal location would be in a small room that is specifically for study, in the style of a home office. Some students might have lofts, garages, or basements, that could be converted. Less ideal, but still suitable, would be an area in a bedroom, equipped for study, and not used for any other purpose. This would remove you from most day and evening time domestic activity (and even if you are single, living alone, it will keep you away from the television and refrigerator). If you do have to use a kitchen or living room, then you will need to alter your studying schedule so that you are studying when others are not present in these areas. Don't try to study in the same room as others, or where there is domestic activity visible or audible. It won't work.

If at all possible, buy a traditional desk. It doesn't have to be large, or expensive (a low cost, second-hand, used, desk will be perfectly suitable). This will immediately give a "professional", "workplace", feel to your study area, and give you drawers and surface space to place your pc, laptop, papers, printer, pens, study books, on. Next, make sure you obtain a suitable chair. An office-style, swivel chair would be best, but a fixed chair will suffice. No matter what style, make sure that it is comfortable to use for long periods. Again, a used chair will be just as good as a new one, if selected carefully. For most courses of study a PC or Laptop will be essential. A mid to low range one will be suitable for most courses. Ideally an office suite such as MS Office should be used, but lower cost, simpler packages are fine too (and Microsoft itself offers a MS Office in "Student-Teacher" version, at one third of the cost of the commercial price). With your PC or Laptop, comfort is much more important than power. The essentials are a keyboard that is comfortable to type on for long periods, and a screen that is comfortable on the eyes for long periods of work. A printer is essential (a basic, low cost one will do) even if you email your documents to your tutor. It is good practice to print off your assignments (outlines, drafts, finished versions) and read them to proof-read them and see them as your tutor will (most tutors will print off your work and then read and assess it).

Lighting is important. A well-lit room is vital, and a desk-top lamp can add focus to the working area.

Having supplies and peripherals nearby is helpful. A set of drawers in the desk, or a cupboard, or wall shelves, specifically for books, paper, pens, pencils, cartridges, etc, will help you to be organised, keep your study area tidy, and to have essential supplies available when you need them.

Choose a layout that suits you, but organise your equipment and furniture so that when you sit down to study you are not distracted by activity in a doorway, window, or other part of the room.

For most people, "keep it tidy" would be good advice. However, some people can't work in a "tidy" fashion, but are very comfortable working in what others see as "chaos". If that is your natural style, that's fine, but even then, try to be as organised, as neat and tidy, as you can be - this will help to keep you on track with your timetable of studies.

Your personal study area should be used whenever you have planned, scheduled, study activity that requires you to read and reflect on what you are reading, carry out research on the internet, correspond by email, telephone, or letter with your tutor, or write responses to exercises, tests, or assignments. Don't use it for anything else. It isn't the place to eat a snack, watch television, planning your next holiday, painting your nails, or chatting to other family members. If you want to do any of these, leave your study area and do them somewhere else!

If you have family or friends who live with you or work close to your study area, talk with them and agree that when you enter your personal study area they will not disturb you. Make this a permanent, non-negotiable, rule, broken only in cases of emergency. You can help by scheduling your study times when other people are less likely to disturb you, and by building in time to spend with family and friends when you are not studying. If you like to listen to music, or the radio, when studying, that's ok, but make sure that it is not in reality distracting you. Television is not a good idea, because of the distraction caused by the moving images. If your study area is, by necessity, near a busy area where people are active, try to schedule your study time when that local activity is at its quietest, less busy times. Keep your mobile phone switched off, unless you have to be available to colleagues from work. If you do have to be contactable at home by work colleagues, try to make contact first, to stop calls coming in when you are studying.

For some students it is not possible to have a dedicated personal study area in the home, or at least not a permanent one. External locations are available which, although not capable of being personalized, could be regular locations in which, with regular use, you can feel familiar and comfortable. For example, Internet Cafes, where there is most of the equipment and furniture that you need. You can supplement these by taking carefully selected study aids such as coursework books. Internet Cafes usually do charge an hourly fee, which is usually a reasonable price, but most will give discounted prices for regular users. Libraries, where there is usually plenty of desk space, a very quiet and studious atmosphere, and, of course, reference and subject textbooks which, if not permanently available, can be ordered and loaned for short period. Today, many libraries also have pc and internet facilities. Libraries are virtually free to use, apart from a low internet usage fee. Your Workplace, where you may be able to use lunch breaks, and-or time before or after work, to fit in some study time. It may also be possible to arrange to use a meeting room or unoccupied office, at least on a short-term basis. Some of our students who find it impossible to study at home, and who work in organizations that operate on a 5 day week, make arrangements to go into the workplace on weekends and study there.

Establishing a Personal Study Area is one of the most beneficial actions that you can take when starting to study for a professional development qualification. A properly equipped, well organized, study area becomes a recognized space that you enter into when you are scheduled to carry out some study time. It becomes a place where you are comfortable and familiar with the layout and facilities, and where you feel confident that you can work without interruption, without distractions, and most importantly, study effectively. Even if you are not able to establish such a space in your own home, you should make every effort to recreate as many of the features described above, in another location. Once established it is easy to maintain, and grows in usefulness as you grow more comfortable in it.

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Study Abroad: Enrich Your Dream of Enjoying Such A Lifetime Opportunity

Posted on 09 Jul 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

I would like to quote to an ancient Sanskrit sloka "The knowledge is that, what liberates!" That means, its knowledge, which enlightens the path of liberation from the bondage of ignorance. Gaining knowledge through study practices exists in the world since time immortal. Human civilization has its roots in the development of knowledge base through searches and researches. The modern technological advancements have devised numerous methodologies for emphasizing education. Education has become the primary agenda for every country over time. With the expansion of curricula the system of education has witnessed significant metamorphosis.

Major developments are observed in the recent years in educational establishments. Every country is emphasizing on development of qualitative educational establishments as a flagship program. Keeping with the pace of rising number of knowledge seekers, quality schools, colleges and universities are coming on to picture year by year. When every country has its own sophisticated educational campus, it's quite amusing that, students rely on studying abroad as an imperative option. Let us analyze the concepts and functionalities associated with Programs, to understand such vibes.

Let me first simplify what is the study abroad concept? There is no doubt that each nation has its own educational institutions which excels on the internationally accepted system of education. Still there exists significant scope for every student to choose his stream of specialization. While every university hardly can offer every system of education, study abroad offers precise opportunity for specialization on specific skills with the best of the available facilities in the world. Many students seek career advancements after completion of their specialization. Study overseas programs provide such students prospects for gathering more relevant skills for their career developments. There are students, who want to get much more practical exposure for their stream of education and Study abroad programs provided them liberty to choose their desired destinations. Many of the students are there who want to get versatility of study atmosphere to acquire adaptability to global exposure and nothing better than a study abroad program can offer such openings for them. These are several reasons for a student to adapt a study program overseas.

While discussing about the study abroad programs let's know how a student can make his smart choice for such promising opportunity. Each and every major educational institution has its own calendar for student exchange programs. This is one of the best places to gather knowledge of available options. In the present world of internet and mass communication, any body can search for such programs online sitting in front of his PC. There are many study abroad consultants, who provide ample of information regarding study abroad options with specific calendar of events. Such consultants are highly in demand as they provide comprehensive information regarding cost of study, cost of living, admission procedure, educational sessions etc. They also extend their expertise for preparing you for programs like getting admission, obtaining student visa, arranging accommodation overseas, travel planning and much more.

It has become a necessity to understand the International education best practices in order to pursue study abroad. While the world is shrinking day by day, seeking competent person having adequate knowledge of a second language has become a general trend for overseas employers. This inexorably emphasizes the need of study abroad. Choosing a competent university overseas for specific fields like Engineering, Medicines, Language, Commerce, Management and Finance etc. has become a cumbersome task for many students. Countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia where educational standards are far above the standards, are quite obviously listed first preference destinations for many knowledge seekers. In such countries you can get wide varieties of programs to choose for your academic excellence.

These locations are most preferred because of their universal adaptability. English being the first language of all such countries provides affinity for other country students to choose these locations. More over the cost of living and the expenses associated with study abroad programs of these countries are almost at par with the study expenses in the home land. Also the immigration procedures are quite straightforward. Also not to forget that these countries are considered as safest countries of the world. You can easily get admission to any of the most demanding universities for your study abroad program with a sound academic record.

Many universities offer semester internship programs for its students. All you have to do is to consult your coordinator to find the most suited study abroad program for your career. Most of the universities of US, UK like countries, have their dedicated study abroad coordinators who can guide you adequately about the prerequisites and formalities. Some universities offer credits for your programs and summer internships. If you are being registered with any program through your university, the credits are seamlessly transferred to your academia results.

If you need financial support for your study abroad programs, you can also avail many scholarships being offered by many universities around the globe. Some of the government and private sectors also extend study abroad scholarships for students for higher education or research in a particular study major. Now-a-days, when this concept is hot on discussion, finding a scholarship for career advancement is not much difficult. Of course, there exists certain screening for receiving such grants or scholarships. The screenings vary greatly from institution to institution and from agency to agency. At some places you might have to prove your distinctive academic credentials, at others you might have to submit your academic transcripts to convince them that you can utilize the utmost of this scholarship while studying abroad. You have to ascertain that you are the deserving one to receive such scholarships.

Studying abroad needs pre-preparation, constant endeavor and consistent academic performance. With dedicated determination and will power you can enrich your dream of enjoying such a lifetime opportunity of studying abroad. You can gratify your academics with such a prospective opportunity of exploring your own world beyond your own imaginations!

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Study Guide Optimization

Posted on 07 Jul 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

There are many different options out there for students who seek a shortcut in their studies. In order to make the most out of Internet study guide services, there are several important things to keep in mind. First, study guides--commonly referred to as cliff notes--should never replace actual research--you must always remember that effort equals results. If you scramble for a study guide at the last minute, your writing will reflect it. Second, not all study guides are equal. There are sites out there that simply collect information from the web. If a sixth grader in Des Moines writes a book report on Huck Finn, it may not be as accurate, beneficial, or analytical as the analysis of a graduate student or professional. Third, if the study guide uses references, you can check to see how accurate they are. If the guide does not use any, what can you do?

Once you have learned the purpose of study guides and realized that they are meant to supplement studying and not to replace it, there are a few steps you need to take to find what study guide service you will use.

The first step is to find the book note, summary, or study guide that is best for you. For each level of education, there are generally specific and unique expectations. For the sixth grader in Des Moines, a minimal amount of information on a subject with very little analysis is perfect--there are study guides for such a student. But for the graduate student, much more is required--and there are study guides for that individual as well. Additionally, all of the study guide services out there have literature guides, but not all of them have taken on other subjects. Don't try to find tips on the Antiquities Act of 1906 from a service that specializes in Moby Dick.

The second step is to search the site you select for articles related to the topic of the study guide. If it is a quality service, you will be able to find plenty of additional information by researching the sources cited in each article. Again, book notes and summaries are not meant to replace actual studying.

Something to watch out for, beyond low-quality content, is value. Some sites require a membership, while others do not. If it is appropriate for you to become a member, go ahead and join. But be smart, there is no sense in paying $30, $50, or $100 for just one summary. If you are not going to use the membership to its fullest, it may not be a wise investment. There are other services out there that will allow you to register for free, or simply make a one-time purchase.

A final note regarding the optimization of study guide services (once again depends on you doing something): use the "contact us" link on the homepage of the service you use. Let them know what they may be missing. They won't think to fix or improve anything if they don't know what to fix or how to improve it. This is particularly beneficial if you plan on using their service again.

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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)