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Powerful Studying Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Studying Time

Posted on 20 Sep 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

The studying tips described in this article are really powerful and are based on real life examples not just theory. Implement any of these techniques and you'll find yourself being a studying machine in no time.

First, you must take good care of your studying space. This is the place where all the hard work is taking place and it should be as quiet as possible. It should be a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed. If you use to study in places like cafeterias or lounges then you must know that the noise in those places reduces your studying power without even knowing it.

Before you start studying make sure there's a waste basket close to you. Also, make sure everything you need to study like books, pens or pencils, notes or other information are in a reachable distance. You don't want to start searching for something you need, when you have already started studying, trust me. You will be distracted and lose precious time.

Implement some consistent studying habits. For example don't start studying immediately after a meal, or an hour before you go to bed. It would be a good practice to study for short periods of time (e.g 45 minutes) then take a break before start studying again. Most people absorb information quicker by studying short periods with breaks in between. When you take a break try not to think of what you've studied. Think of other things. Let your mind get some rest. If you can't help thinking about what you've studied then try to reflect the information not constantly review it.

Before you start studying prepare yourself for what you are about to read. For example you can prioritize what you want to study and start with the most important parts first. Use the tables of contents and the chapter summaries to recall information from the main text. For example you can carefully read the table of contents first, then start studying the main text. When you're done you can go back and try to remember what the main text was all about by looking at the table of contents.

A lot of people find it helpful to keep notes of what they study in order to better understand it. If you follow this method then don't waste your time writing each word you read. Instead, use your mind to connect what you've studied with your own way of thinking. Then take the notes using your own words if possible. You will notice that what you write makes a lot more sense to you. Also, do not underline words or phrases in your text books. This is not productive. Use a highlighter.

Important: All the tips above can be slightly changed to fit your needs. For example you might find yourself studying better when you take no more than one break. The idea is to test yourself and find what is the best studying formula for you. Then you've got to stick to it. Consistency works wonders when it comes to studying. If you are not willing to test yourself and make any sacrifices needed to find the best studying formula then what's the reason for studying after all?


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)