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Some of the Best Study Abroad Programs From Around the World

Posted on 17 Aug 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Every year, thousands and thousands of students go abroad to widen their horizons, engage in new experiences, study their craft, and learn about different cultures. In fact, studying has become so popular that study abroad programs are seemingly everywhere. But, with so many programs to chose from, how do you know which one is right for you?

Like most things, not all study programs are created equal. But, the best ones do have certain commonalities. Among them are:

A variety of majors: There is little sense of studying abroad if you can't study the major you love or the one in which you have already invested years of classes. The best abroad programs include a variety of majors, giving you the opportunity to receive a degree in whatever area you choose.

A lot of support: No matter where you decide to study - Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji or somewhere else - you will need a lot of support. College, even when attended in your homeland, can be difficult. But, when you join a study program, that difficulty is coupled with a different culture and studying far from home. The best study abroad programs offer a network of support, both academically and culturally.

An Affordable Program: International study programs can vary in cost. The best study programs allow you to study overseas without breaking the bank. Not only should international study abroad programs be affordable, but they should also offer opportunities for financial aid, scholarships, and payment plans.

Academic Success: Whenever you are in college, it is easy to get distracted. But, when you are in a foreign country, the distractions are literally around every corner. From the architecture to the food, from the art museums to the landscape, from the tourist attractions to the shopping, studying is full of enticement. However, academics are still the most important thing. The best study programs have a strong focus on academics, and work with students to assure successful completion of each program.

Easy assimilation: No matter where you choose to go, culture shock is inevitable. It can be hard for students to adapt to another nation's way of life. For this reason, it is important to look for an international study abroad program that offers cultural classes and language classes. The best study programs aim to make the assimilation process as smooth as possible.

For more guidance on finding the perfect study program for you, spend some time browsing the Internet. Many companies out there work with students and their study abroad advisors to make studying abroad a smooth transition.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)