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Starting EPPP Study Now - Top Ten Tips

Posted on 24 Dec 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

- The most important strategy for passing the Examination For Professional Practice In Psychology (EPPP) is to begin preparing now! If you are in graduate school do not wait to begin studying. Be proactive. A good place to start your search for study information is on the Internet. Learn everything you can about the test. Learn which topics will be covered, and how extensive your knowledge and understanding of them needs to be. A good place to start is at the site of the organization that makes it all possible, The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. They have all kinds of interesting information on the examination for you to read.
- Start reviewing commercial test preparation materials. Beg, borrow, or steal used copies of the major study guide programs from friends and colleagues. You can find used copies online; eBay is a good source. If money is not an issue, consider buying new versions of EPPP study materials from the major test preparation publishers: PsychPrep, Academic Review, Taylor Method, or the Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences. At the very least, buy a few of the less expensive commercially available study guides, such as the EPPP Secrets Study Guide or EPPP Flashcard Secrets. Read reviews of EPPP study materials to help you select the most appropriate.
- Flashcards are an important component of your study plan. You first need to remember the key terms and concepts before you will be able to answer questions on the examination.Use software to create flashcards of the psychology topics you want to remember. Make flashcards of important, difficult, and unfamiliar concepts.
- The best flashcard programs are driven by sophisticated algorithms that optimize learning and maximize recall of the information. The program helps in several very important ways. It minimizes the time it takes to memorize items by scheduling the presentation of the flashcards at optimal intervals. It does this by only presenting flashcards that it predicts you are about to forget. In this way, no time is wasted reviewing flashcards that you have already memorized. The use of a flashcard program allows you literally to maintain your recall of the information indefinitely (as long as you continue to do the scheduled repetitions).
- Online discussion groups on preparing for the EPPP are an excellent source of information. They not only discuss which topics you need to study for the exam, and how, but also offer advice on coping with the length and difficulty of the EPPP study process. Fellow examinees can be your best source of support. One helpful group is the Preparing To Take The EPPP Discussion List on Yahoo! Groups.
- Make use of the free advice, EPPP study materials reviews, and testing strategies on sites devoted to preparing for the exam, such as How To Pass The EPPP Exam Without Even Trying!
- Learn how to test well on the specific type of multiple choice examination represented by the EPPP. There are specific strategies for taking this type of test. These test taking skills will also serve you well in graduate school classes. Look for test taking advice on EPPP preparation sites on the Internet.
- Learn how to study. Good study skills and habits will see you through to the end of this process more efficiently. Don't waste your time trying to cram for the national psychology exam. Just because you've made it to graduate school, doesn't mean you can't improve your study skills even more. There are many good books on how to study. Go ahead. Read one. I promise not to tell your classmates.
- Stress. Anxiety. Discouragement. Feeling overwhelmed. Agggg! Where does it all end? It ends with you. Learn to control your mental state. Learn how to remain calm, focused, and motivated while thinking about studying, while studying, before the exam, and during the exam. Repeat after me, "It's just a test." Learn how to relax. Keep your spirits up. Keep moving forward. Eat right, exercise, go out, and socialize. Get enough sleep. Don't study all the time. Take frequent breaks. Taking care of yourself in this way will improve your effectiveness.
- Remember, the Internet is your friend! Browse sites about the EPPP. Read discussion groups on it. Learn how other examinees cope. Many students and postgraduates seek out a professional, such as a counseling psychologist, to support them psychologically and keep them on track. Do whatever it takes to keep going.

It is my sincere hope that you find these tips helpful. More importantly, I hope that you understand why you should begin studying for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology now!


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)