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Study Techniques For Students - A Guide to Be Undertaken to Pass School

Posted on 08 Jan 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Needless to say, one way of dealing with this is to study even before the final exams dates. If you keep on putting it off reasoning out that it is still too early to study, then you find yourself cramming and deluge with a lot of reading and studying to do. And you know very well that one night is not sufficient for this. Having this habit will lead you nowhere but to being expelled.

Procrastination is one attitude that you should not have as a student. Get some self-discipline in managing your time for studies, home and relaxing. To be in school is not just for the sake of being there and meeting people. You need to have the eagerness to learn and the aim to pass your subjects. Set your priorities and apply the possible study techniques for students which you can make use of.

Make studying an enjoyable one.

Do not look at studying as a hard thing. Studying must not be taken as a pain in the neck. As a matter of fact, you can make it enjoyable and entertaining. You can have a study group that includes friends who are keen on passing their subjects. Select a conducive area for studying. It can be in a garden, a park, in a zoo as long as your attention will not be diverted to other things. Sometimes, studying in these areas can be of help as it breaks the monotony of stillness. You can also have some music at the background while studying.

Make a diary for studying.

One of the study techniques for students is to keep a study schedule will guide you to observe and manage your time. Distractions such as extracurricular activities, partying and ball games can be well managed. You only need to check your schedule if it will affect or complicate your study hours.

Make use of the SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)

Survey pertains to your assessing the chapters incorporated in the lessons. This will give you a plan as to what can be assimilated. Pinpoint the difficult areas, make questions and combine the answers taken from your study group. You can do additional readings just so you can check whether you fully understand the topic. Then do a review of the items that you have discussed or studied and put yourself to test.

The survey, question, read, recites and review or SQ3R plus appropriate management of time are the fundamentals of the studying techniques for students. As I have said, studying need not be a stressing thing because if it is, all the more will you find it hard. Remember that your brain will function better if it is relax and that will lead to a better understanding of your lessons. Putting together these three suggestions are the surest best ways to study for a test. Nonetheless, you need to have a good deal of determination in pursuing these techniques so as to pass school with flying colors.

Memory test software is now available for students which also serve as a notebook and flash cards. As soon as the needed information have been documented and classified, questions are being created by the software based on the classifications. Answers are then evaluated and the student's weak points are established.

Employing study techniques for students is a tool which every learner should adopt. Exams will never be a distressing thing anymore once you stick to these methods.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)