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Studying Tips

Posted on 15 Jan 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

The process of assimilating knowledge by reading, writing and observing is called studying. It is advisable for weak students to sit in the first row of a class. In this way, students will not miss important notes, and it reduces the chances of getting distracted. Students may clarify their doubts from their professors regarding the subject. Subject matter is assimilated better when students read half a chapter twice or more a day or review a chapter they have previously read.

It is essential for students to be organized, and they should avoid procrastination. Study space chosen by students should be as quiet and comfortable as possible. Students should try to begin studying no less than an hour after a meal. It is recommended that students study early in the morning and avoid late nights.

It is suggested that students try to make a schedule or prioritize their work and adhere to the schedule. Students are able to grasp and retain a greater amount by studying a short while, like half an hour. It doe not help much if students study at a stretch without taking breaks. Student's get less tired by taking breaks, and it helps students to refresh.

Students may try and concentrate on important points during a lecture and jot down points that are important that will help them memorize. These points need to be revised on the same day for reinforcement. Important points may be written down on the course outline or syllabus. It is sensible for students to give importance to these course outlines, as it may help them while studying. The points noted need to be brief and precise. It is always better to highlight than underline to denote the important points in a chapter.

Studying tips help children to enhance their performance in their tests and exams. These tips help serve as a guideline to students so they can organize themselves in a better manner.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)