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Studying Your Study Environment

Posted on 22 Mar 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

How familiar is this scene, "Sweetie, have you done your homework?
Yeeeees Mom, I am finishing it right now!" You peek around the corner
only to find the TV on, dim lighting,, and your student plopped on the
couch, eyes glazed over, half asleep, but sincerely holding on to that
vocabulary list or calculator, as if trying to channel the information into
their mind. If your student isn't quite old enough to realize the comfort
that comes with studying this way, careful, it's probably coming. If this
scene is indeed familiar to you, don't worry. It's familiar to many families
all across the country. The problem is that most students are never
taught the practical and necessary study skills required to succeed in
studying, test taking, and retention.

While there are many issues we could raise with this scene, we're going
to discuss what's probably the most overlooked study skill that will help
your student improve the way they study, and in turn improve the way
they perform in school, setting a study environment.

* The most obvious problem with our student's study habits is that it, in
no way-shape-or-form, mimics that of their test-taking environment.
Your memory uses triggers to recall information, whether it is words,
pictures or noises our minds naturally make mental associations
between information intake and the environment in which it is taken. It's
similar to when you hear a song that makes you remember high school,
or see a painting that reminds you of a vacation you once took. You
never purposely made those connections; your brain did it
automatically. It's the same with studying.

* Many students will put forth an effort to actually make triggers in order
to remember information, like using acronyms or word associations. But
there are many of other connections our minds make and we don't even
realize it.

* Studies have shown that if students could study in the exact
environment that they test in, performance would rise drastically. Why?
It's because our minds remember environment. Using this information,
we can deduce that if in class you are sitting up straight, at a desk, with
no distracting noises or voices, this is how you should study. While it is
very rare to be able to study in the exact same environment you take
tests in, every effort should be made to make it as close as possible.
This may mean turning off the television, sitting at a table or desk
instead of sitting on the couch, and even turning off the television.
(Unless music is classical, which has shown to be beneficial when
played softly in the background, music should be omitted too.)

* Improving your study environment can almost guarantee better
performance. Sometimes the smallest effort to improve any aspect of
studying, whether it be environment or something else, can make al the
difference on test day and even contribute to remembering it long after.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books written on study skills,
promising improved performance. Chances are each and every one
has something good to say, but all the books and tips in the world can't
help a student that studies in front of the television eating cookies. So
often all we need is that small incremental step in the right direction to
drastically improve results in the end. It's much more effective to attempt
small or practical study goals. Improving your study environment is a
seemingly common sense improvement, but is overlooked by many
parents. By making this effort you will be setting your student on a track
for improved study habits that will stay with them and yield results for
years to come.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)