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Sure Short Ways to Improve Study Skills

Posted on 11 Oct 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Students who do everything with full planning always get good grades in schools. But it is not the point that you ignore the study skills. Try to be best in everything. In this article I will provide you some skills which will surely improve your study skills. You will make a rock solid study plan.

First of all what you have to do is setting up a study environment. This is the very important step. Set up something that is comfortable for your studies. If you want a soothing music along with studies then you can keep a collection of it. Everybody works in a different environment. Some can even read in front of T.V. while for some it disturbs.

Now when you are done with the study plan the next step you have to do is preparation of a study plan. Prepare a good and effective study plan. Prepare a study routine and stick to it. It will be difficult for you to follow the new routine but if you will stick to it for around ten days, it will surely become a habit and everything will be easy for you. Also in the time tale keep some time like two hours for the revision of what you have done in the whole day.

If you will review the material that you have learned whole day there is no chance that you will forget anything at the time of exams. When the test time will come close you will feel relaxed and there will be no stress and tension. Memorize everything seriously whatever you learn. Learning everything with good planning will limit the amount of further study time needed.

Always study in small chunks of time. If your regular concentration is for 45 minutes then you should study for only 45 minutes and then relax for around 5 minutes. This will make you feel relaxed by relaxing your brain. Studying in small chunks will not pressurize your mind. This type of study is known as distributed study and is very helpful in brain function and speed learning.

For learning long lists, use mnemonics. Learning log list is made easy by making sentence of the first character of the word. Make funny and interesting sentences. Learn this sentence and names. This is speed list learning and learning of long lists will take less time.

Make good and funny pictures of the things you are learning in your mind. Memorize those pictures and you will never forget what you have learned. Learning in this way is very easy and there is no hassle in this. The main advantage is that you will never forget these things.

Make your children to follow these things and you will see great difference in them. They will enjoy studying and will learn everything effectively. Also make them play puzzle games to improve their study skills.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)