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Useful Information About Study

Posted on 27 Jun 2022 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

Study signifies the concentrated employment of one's mental faculties for the acquisition of knowledge in a particular field or subject. The serious study of any subject requires a detailed consideration and understanding of it. Study usually involves active participation in the chosen area, leading to a comprehensive awareness and broadening of one's vision.

Study can be undertaken on one's own, or with the help of external agencies. A person deciding to study has to develop and maintain certain skills that are indispensable. The first among these is the ability to remain focused. One should be realistic when setting personal and academic goals for study. This means that before choosing a subject for study, the time available, the expenditure involved, the scope of the subject and related factors should be carefully considered. Study of a subject also calls for skillful time management. Especially if the study is undertaken by an employed person, he should be able to balance one's profession and study.

When one goes in for formal study at a school or college, it is crucial to attend the lectures and be up-to-date with the course work and assignments. This is where a systematic, orderly work schedule will help. One can also train one's memory and comprehension skills to aid study. Study can be informal, in that one can choose to study on one's own. Here too, it is important that one is committed to one's goal. Postponing things to do is a major factor that hinders any kind of study.

The greatest advantage of any kind of study is that it makes an individual broad-minded and receptive to new ideas. Home-study programs and study-abroad programs are available for individuals to choose from. One can also enroll in study groups that share common interests; the additional advantage here is that constructive interaction with others in the group aids in a better understanding of the subjects taken up for study.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)