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Why You Need Feasibility Studies

Posted on 08 Dec 2021 by admin | Filled under: uncategorized

In the realm of business, countless measures are taken to ensure success. From risk assessment to feasibility studies, people work tirelessly to implement various strategies that give any particular venture the best odds for survival. If you're asking yourself what a feasibility study is, it's very easily defined.

Simply put, studies are groundwork investigations into the prospective benefits correlated with undertaking a particular activity or project. A feasibility study's main goal is to take into account all conceivable factors associated with a task, and then determine if the time and other resources invested will return a wanted result.

Most feasibility studies are highly detailed and fully examine every plausible angle. For these reasons alone, conducting a feasibility study is undoubtedly in your best interest. However, the decision to carry out a study is one that should never be taken lightly. You will have to invest a lot of time and a lot of money into your study. Conversely, not implementing a feasibility study can prove to be infinitely more damaging due to expenses and time lost recouping a loss.

It's always in your best interest to make the best possible use of a study. You're going to need a clearly defined course of action consisting of multiple business models or scenarios that you want to explore.

Conduct an initial investigation and explore your business ideas, goals and possible risks before moving along with an all-out study. Members of your committee or a hired consultant can help perform the early investigation. You can try things like doing a marketing study in order to determine if the business idea has any market viability.

This way, if it doesn't, you've just saved a costly and time consuming process by not moving forward with the comprehensive study. And if the idea does have market viability, then it's a safe bet that your feasibility study won't result in a loss.

A properly implement feasibility study will address issues such as cost and other factors that are both directly and indirectly associated with the project or idea. If you're putting a new product on the market, the study will examine the costs associated with reaching out to a customer base for the product. The use of these studies has offered assistance to companies for years.

It helps with understanding which projects to proceed with and which to let die on the vine before investing countless resources for a lost cause. If you find that an idea shows no promise of generating profit after a feasibility study is performed, which could be the case, then take solace in the fact that you can minimize your losses. When you're planning to spring into action with your latest project idea, it's always a great idea to conduct some type of market study. It is the thorough investigation performed that will better assess what shot it has at success. It's something you're going to need eventually in a successful business.


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Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education. .. We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile, On Philosophy of Education)